EU adopts strategy to put culture at heart of int'l relations

Source: Xinhua   2016-06-08 22:43:00

BRUSSELS, June 8 (Xinhua) -- The European Commission on Wednesday adopted a strategy for international cultural relations, which aims at encouraging cultural cooperation between the European Union (EU) and its partner countries.

The Commission said culture can play an important role in EU's foreign policy. Cultural cooperation counters stereotypes and prejudice by nurturing dialogue, open-mindedness, dignity and mutual respect, it said in a statement.

The EU strategy for international cultural relations will focus on three main objectives, including supporting culture as an engine for social and economic development, promoting intercultural dialogue and the role of culture for peaceful inter-community relations, and reinforcing cooperation on cultural heritage.

According to the Commission, for the implementation of the strategy for international cultural relations, the EU can count on its 139 delegations and offices operating around the world. The EU delegations will act as an enabler and encourage synergies and cooperation between national cultural institutes and foundations, and private and public enterprises worldwide.

To help the EU implement the strategy and create synergies among all EU stakeholders, a Cultural Diplomacy Platform was set up in February 2016, focusing on strategic countries.

"Culture is a valuable resource to tackle many of the challenges Europe and the world are currently facing -- such as the integration of refugees and migrants, countering violent radicalization and the protection of cultural heritage," according to the Commission.

"Culture has to be part and parcel of our foreign policy," said EU foreign policy chief and Vice-President Federica Mogherini, noting that "as we face common challenges, culture can help all of us, in Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia, stand together to fight radicalization and build an alliance of civilizations against those trying to divide us."

"This is why cultural diplomacy must be at the core of our relationship with today's world," she said.

Editor: yan
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EU adopts strategy to put culture at heart of int'l relations

Source: Xinhua 2016-06-08 22:43:00

BRUSSELS, June 8 (Xinhua) -- The European Commission on Wednesday adopted a strategy for international cultural relations, which aims at encouraging cultural cooperation between the European Union (EU) and its partner countries.

The Commission said culture can play an important role in EU's foreign policy. Cultural cooperation counters stereotypes and prejudice by nurturing dialogue, open-mindedness, dignity and mutual respect, it said in a statement.

The EU strategy for international cultural relations will focus on three main objectives, including supporting culture as an engine for social and economic development, promoting intercultural dialogue and the role of culture for peaceful inter-community relations, and reinforcing cooperation on cultural heritage.

According to the Commission, for the implementation of the strategy for international cultural relations, the EU can count on its 139 delegations and offices operating around the world. The EU delegations will act as an enabler and encourage synergies and cooperation between national cultural institutes and foundations, and private and public enterprises worldwide.

To help the EU implement the strategy and create synergies among all EU stakeholders, a Cultural Diplomacy Platform was set up in February 2016, focusing on strategic countries.

"Culture is a valuable resource to tackle many of the challenges Europe and the world are currently facing -- such as the integration of refugees and migrants, countering violent radicalization and the protection of cultural heritage," according to the Commission.

"Culture has to be part and parcel of our foreign policy," said EU foreign policy chief and Vice-President Federica Mogherini, noting that "as we face common challenges, culture can help all of us, in Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia, stand together to fight radicalization and build an alliance of civilizations against those trying to divide us."

"This is why cultural diplomacy must be at the core of our relationship with today's world," she said.

[Editor: huaxia]