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Interview: U.S. main reason behind South China Sea tension: U.S. university professor
                 Source: Xinhua | 2016-06-11 10:18:16 | Editor: huaxia

File photo: An aerial photo taken on Sept. 25, 2015 from a seaplane of Hainan Maritime Safety Administration shows the Yacheng 13-1 drilling rig during a patrol in the South China Sea. (Xinhua/Zhao Yingquan)

HOUSTON, June 10 (Xinhua) -- The heightened tension in the South China Sea is not an isolated incident, but the result of the U.S. "pivot to Asia" policy, University of Houston Downtown Associate Professor Peter Li told Xinhua in a recent interview.

"To the United States, East Asia in particular occupies a strategic position in American foreign policy. However, we have to understand that the U.S. foreign policy has always been based on a shrewd calculation of the American national interest," he said.

"For example, in 1947, it was the United States that assisted the Chinese government in its recovery of the South China Sea islands. Yet, today, the United States has apparently changed its position. The change of the position, based on a new understanding of the situation in East Asia and the rising strength of China, does send a clear message to countries having territorial disputes with China, such as the Philippines," he said.

The process of strengthening the existing relationships has apparently given Manila the signal that its actions in the South China Sea are backed by the United States.

Boosting its alliance with the allies in the region, strengthening new relations with Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries, and consolidating existing security ties serve Washington's strategic objective of neutralizing China's position in the region, Li said.

"To the United States, China could be pulled into extended conflicts. Resources would have to be diverted to military preparations, affecting people's livelihood," he said.

"In fact, the U.S. naval actions in the region have sent a clear message to the parties involved in the dispute that Washington has a position at odds with China. And in my opinion, the United States' taking sides in the conflict in the South China Sea both serves and undermines America's objectives," he said.

Li said the escalation of the conflict in the region, which will have a negative spillover effect, will poison the atmosphere needed for U.S.-China collaboration on a host of other issues vital to the maintenance of peace and stability in Asia and the world.

"The resulting tensions between Washington and Beijing can cause a stop to the many other critical areas of collaboration between the two countries. These include peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, non-proliferation, anti-terrorism, security cooperation, climate change, international financial stability and others," he said.

Li agreed with Chinese President Xi Jinping's remarks that both China and the United States should take proactive steps to manage the crisis in a spirit of mutual respect so that the two countries can turn the Pacific Ocean into a platform for cooperation, peace and prosperity.

Moreover, he said that one should understand that there will always be differences between the United States and China, but both countries would have more to gain if they work for a common objective -- peace and stability in Southeast Asia and the South China Sea specifically.


Spotlight: Stop playing with fire in South China Sea, says Chinese diplomat

LONDON, June 10 (Xinhua) -- Regarding the South China Sea issue, Chinese Ambassador to Britain Liu Xiaoming has urged the Philippines to return to a negotiated solution and some countries from outside the region to "stop playing with fire."

Liu made the remarks in a signed article published by the Daily Telegraph on Friday. Full story

Executive Summary: The Tribunal's Award in the "South China Sea Arbitration" Initiated by the Philippines Is Null and Void

BEIJING, June 10 (Xinhua) -- On 10 June 2016, the Chinese Society of International Law (CSIL) released a paper entitled The Tribunal's Award in the "South China Sea Arbitration" Initiated by the Philippines Is Null and Void. The executive summary of the paper is as follows:

On 22 January 2013, the Philippines unilaterally initiated arbitration with respect to certain issues in the South China Sea ( "Arbitration" ). China has maintained its solemn position that it would neither accept nor participate in the Arbitration, having stated that the tribunal constituted at the unilateral request of the Philippines ( "Arbitral Tribunal" or "Tribunal" ) manifestly has no jurisdiction. Full story

Chinese Society of International Law releases paper on South China Sea arbitration initiated by the Philippines

BEIJING, June 10 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese Society of International Law (CSIL) on Friday releases a paper under the title the Tribunal's Award in the "South China Sea Arbitration" Initiated by the Philippines is Null and Void, supporting the Chinese Government's position of neither accepting nor participating in the arbitration initiated by the Philippines.

From a legal point of view, the CSIL criticizes on errors the Arbitral Tribunal makes in its award on jurisdiction, and demonstrates that both this award and the pending award on merits are null and void. Full story

Spotlight: Experts say China's stance on South China Sea arbitration fully justified

BEIJING, June 10 (Xinhua) -- The Philippines' unilateral move to bring a maritime dispute with China to an international tribunal won't help resolve the problem and the right way forward is to seek settlement through bilateral talks, several foreign experts told Xinhua in recent interviews.

While expressing support for China's position of non-acceptance of and non-participation in the arbitration of the China-Philippine dispute over islands in the South China Sea, they said that Manila's arbitration act runs against the spirit of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and reneges on its previous promises.  Full story

Interview: Manila intensifies tension in South China Sea -- former diplomat

MANILA, June 9 (Xinhua) -- The Philippine government has been behind the intensifying tensions in the South China Sea, a former diplomat of the country told Xinhua on Wednesday.

Alberto Encomienda, former secretary-general of Maritime and Ocean Affairs Center of the Philippine Foreign Affairs Department, said: "China has been for the negotiations all along, but from the beginning we are not." Full story

How to Bridge the Divide Over the South China Sea

The differences between China and the U.S. over the South China Sea issue have become a matter of concern and even anxiety. But some of the perceptions in the U.S. and elsewhere about China’s policy and intentions in the area are misplaced. A pressing task is to understand the facts and China’s intentions correctly so as to avoid real danger and consequences as a result of misinterpretation and miscalculation.Full Story

China urges Philippines to immediately cease arbitral proceedings

BEIJING, June 8 (Xinhua) -- China on Wednesday again urged the Philippines to stop its arbitral proceedings and return to the right track of settling relevant disputes in the South China Sea through bilateral negotiation with China.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei made the comment at a routine press briefing.Full Story

Spotlight: Stop playing with fire in South China Sea, says Chinese diplomat
Executive Summary: The Tribunal's Award in the "South China Sea Arbitration" Initiated by the Philippines Is Null and Void
Chinese Society of International Law releases paper on South China Sea arbitration initiated by the Philippines
Spotlight: Experts say China's stance on South China Sea arbitration fully justified
The Tribunal's Award in the "South China Sea Arbitration" Initiated by the Philippines Is Null and Void
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Interview: U.S. main reason behind South China Sea tension: U.S. university professor

Source: Xinhua 2016-06-11 10:18:16

File photo: An aerial photo taken on Sept. 25, 2015 from a seaplane of Hainan Maritime Safety Administration shows the Yacheng 13-1 drilling rig during a patrol in the South China Sea. (Xinhua/Zhao Yingquan)

HOUSTON, June 10 (Xinhua) -- The heightened tension in the South China Sea is not an isolated incident, but the result of the U.S. "pivot to Asia" policy, University of Houston Downtown Associate Professor Peter Li told Xinhua in a recent interview.

"To the United States, East Asia in particular occupies a strategic position in American foreign policy. However, we have to understand that the U.S. foreign policy has always been based on a shrewd calculation of the American national interest," he said.

"For example, in 1947, it was the United States that assisted the Chinese government in its recovery of the South China Sea islands. Yet, today, the United States has apparently changed its position. The change of the position, based on a new understanding of the situation in East Asia and the rising strength of China, does send a clear message to countries having territorial disputes with China, such as the Philippines," he said.

The process of strengthening the existing relationships has apparently given Manila the signal that its actions in the South China Sea are backed by the United States.

Boosting its alliance with the allies in the region, strengthening new relations with Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries, and consolidating existing security ties serve Washington's strategic objective of neutralizing China's position in the region, Li said.

"To the United States, China could be pulled into extended conflicts. Resources would have to be diverted to military preparations, affecting people's livelihood," he said.

"In fact, the U.S. naval actions in the region have sent a clear message to the parties involved in the dispute that Washington has a position at odds with China. And in my opinion, the United States' taking sides in the conflict in the South China Sea both serves and undermines America's objectives," he said.

Li said the escalation of the conflict in the region, which will have a negative spillover effect, will poison the atmosphere needed for U.S.-China collaboration on a host of other issues vital to the maintenance of peace and stability in Asia and the world.

"The resulting tensions between Washington and Beijing can cause a stop to the many other critical areas of collaboration between the two countries. These include peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, non-proliferation, anti-terrorism, security cooperation, climate change, international financial stability and others," he said.

Li agreed with Chinese President Xi Jinping's remarks that both China and the United States should take proactive steps to manage the crisis in a spirit of mutual respect so that the two countries can turn the Pacific Ocean into a platform for cooperation, peace and prosperity.

Moreover, he said that one should understand that there will always be differences between the United States and China, but both countries would have more to gain if they work for a common objective -- peace and stability in Southeast Asia and the South China Sea specifically.


Spotlight: Stop playing with fire in South China Sea, says Chinese diplomat

LONDON, June 10 (Xinhua) -- Regarding the South China Sea issue, Chinese Ambassador to Britain Liu Xiaoming has urged the Philippines to return to a negotiated solution and some countries from outside the region to "stop playing with fire."

Liu made the remarks in a signed article published by the Daily Telegraph on Friday. Full story

Executive Summary: The Tribunal's Award in the "South China Sea Arbitration" Initiated by the Philippines Is Null and Void

BEIJING, June 10 (Xinhua) -- On 10 June 2016, the Chinese Society of International Law (CSIL) released a paper entitled The Tribunal's Award in the "South China Sea Arbitration" Initiated by the Philippines Is Null and Void. The executive summary of the paper is as follows:

On 22 January 2013, the Philippines unilaterally initiated arbitration with respect to certain issues in the South China Sea ( "Arbitration" ). China has maintained its solemn position that it would neither accept nor participate in the Arbitration, having stated that the tribunal constituted at the unilateral request of the Philippines ( "Arbitral Tribunal" or "Tribunal" ) manifestly has no jurisdiction. Full story

Chinese Society of International Law releases paper on South China Sea arbitration initiated by the Philippines

BEIJING, June 10 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese Society of International Law (CSIL) on Friday releases a paper under the title the Tribunal's Award in the "South China Sea Arbitration" Initiated by the Philippines is Null and Void, supporting the Chinese Government's position of neither accepting nor participating in the arbitration initiated by the Philippines.

From a legal point of view, the CSIL criticizes on errors the Arbitral Tribunal makes in its award on jurisdiction, and demonstrates that both this award and the pending award on merits are null and void. Full story

Spotlight: Experts say China's stance on South China Sea arbitration fully justified

BEIJING, June 10 (Xinhua) -- The Philippines' unilateral move to bring a maritime dispute with China to an international tribunal won't help resolve the problem and the right way forward is to seek settlement through bilateral talks, several foreign experts told Xinhua in recent interviews.

While expressing support for China's position of non-acceptance of and non-participation in the arbitration of the China-Philippine dispute over islands in the South China Sea, they said that Manila's arbitration act runs against the spirit of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and reneges on its previous promises.  Full story

Interview: Manila intensifies tension in South China Sea -- former diplomat

MANILA, June 9 (Xinhua) -- The Philippine government has been behind the intensifying tensions in the South China Sea, a former diplomat of the country told Xinhua on Wednesday.

Alberto Encomienda, former secretary-general of Maritime and Ocean Affairs Center of the Philippine Foreign Affairs Department, said: "China has been for the negotiations all along, but from the beginning we are not." Full story

How to Bridge the Divide Over the South China Sea

The differences between China and the U.S. over the South China Sea issue have become a matter of concern and even anxiety. But some of the perceptions in the U.S. and elsewhere about China’s policy and intentions in the area are misplaced. A pressing task is to understand the facts and China’s intentions correctly so as to avoid real danger and consequences as a result of misinterpretation and miscalculation.Full Story

China urges Philippines to immediately cease arbitral proceedings

BEIJING, June 8 (Xinhua) -- China on Wednesday again urged the Philippines to stop its arbitral proceedings and return to the right track of settling relevant disputes in the South China Sea through bilateral negotiation with China.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei made the comment at a routine press briefing.Full Story

[Editor: huaxia ]