
IS claims credit for Bangladesh restaurant attack

Source: Xinhua 2016-07-02 06:41:31
[Editor: huaxia]

DHAKA, July 2 (Xinhua) -- Gunmen have shot dead two police officials, police said, in the first attack on a foreign restaurant in Bangladesh claimed by Islamic State (IS) group jihadists.

Around five hours into the attack, according to a jihadist threat monitoring portal, SITE Intelligence Group, IS claimed its responsibility of attacking the Spanish restaurant .

The gunmen stormed the restaurant in Bangladesh capital Dhaka's diplomatic enclave Gulshan on Friday night at about 9:00 p.m. local time.

The authenticity of the IS claim has not been confirmed by Bangladesh Police.

"Salahuddin Khan, officer-in-charge of Banani police station in capital Dhaka, was shot dead as the gunmen opened fire at the law enforcers shortly after taking hostages at the Spanish restaurant," a police official told Xinhua.

The official who did not like to be named said around midnight, another senior officer named Robiul succumbed to the injuries he sustained during the fire exchange.

At least 40 people including two more senior police officials were injured in the incident.

Dozens of people including several foreign nationals are believed to be held hostage after police exchanged fire with the group of criminals.

Sources said five to six unidentified miscreants entered the Holey Artisan Bakery restaurant where usually foreigners go for eating and opened gunfire around 9:20 p.m.local time.

As a huge number of policemen cordoned off the restaurant, the miscreants opened fire at the law enforcers.

Attackers also hurled bombs at policemen.

It is not immediately known whether the injured people included a foreigner.

"We're trying to end the hostage crisis peacefully," Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) Chief Benzir Ahmed told journalists in his brief comment.

He could not tell immediately how many people are caught up inside the restaurant.

Bangladesh have already called in personnel from all of its special forces to end the crisis.

Sources said gunmen have been asking to release a leader of banned militant outfit JMB who has recently been arrested.

Jama'atul Mujahideen Bangladesh or JMB, campaigning for establishment of Islamic rule in Bangladesh, carried out a series of bombings in 63 out of the country's 64 districts, including capital Dhaka on August 17, 2005, leaving two people dead and 150 others injured.

Hundreds of JMB leaders and activists were rounded up while six top leaders of the group, including Shaikh Abdur Rahman, were hanged in 2007.

According to the sources, the gunmen are also demanding safe exit for them.


Security forces free new areas from IS militants in Iraq

BAGHDAD, June 30 (Xinhua) -- Iraqi security forces on Thursday freed several areas and villages from the Islamic State (IS) militants in central and northern Iraq, security sources said.

In the western province of Anbar, the security forces and allied paramilitary Hashd Shaabi units recaptured the areas of al-Hessi and Albu Eifan in southwest of the city of Fallujah, some 50 km west of the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, after clashes with the IS militants, leaving at least 17 militants killed and destroying three of their vehicles, a provincial security source told Xinhua on condition of anonymity. Full story

Lebanese army says foils two planned IS attacks

BEIRUT, Jun 30 (Xinhua) -- The Lebanese army said Thursday that it had foiled two planned attacks by the Islamic State (IS) aiming at a tourist facility and a densely populated area in Lebanon.

"The army managed to thwart a highly dangerous scheme planned by the IS," the Guidance Directorate, the army's intelligence department, said in a statement. Full story

Hundreds of IS militants killed in airstrikes near Fallujah

BAGHDAD, June 30 (Xinhua) -- Hundreds of Islamic State (IS) militants were killed in a series of airstrikes targeting their convoys early Wednesday when they fled Iraq's Fallujah, a provincial security source said on Thursday.

Dozens of IS vehicles were hit in airstrikes by the U.S.-led coalition and the Iraqi air force south of Fallujah, 50 km west of the Iraqi capital of Baghdad. Full story

[Editor: huaxia]
IS claims credit for Bangladesh restaurant attack
                 Source: Xinhua | 2016-07-02 06:41:31 | Editor: huaxia

DHAKA, July 2 (Xinhua) -- Gunmen have shot dead two police officials, police said, in the first attack on a foreign restaurant in Bangladesh claimed by Islamic State (IS) group jihadists.

Around five hours into the attack, according to a jihadist threat monitoring portal, SITE Intelligence Group, IS claimed its responsibility of attacking the Spanish restaurant .

The gunmen stormed the restaurant in Bangladesh capital Dhaka's diplomatic enclave Gulshan on Friday night at about 9:00 p.m. local time.

The authenticity of the IS claim has not been confirmed by Bangladesh Police.

"Salahuddin Khan, officer-in-charge of Banani police station in capital Dhaka, was shot dead as the gunmen opened fire at the law enforcers shortly after taking hostages at the Spanish restaurant," a police official told Xinhua.

The official who did not like to be named said around midnight, another senior officer named Robiul succumbed to the injuries he sustained during the fire exchange.

At least 40 people including two more senior police officials were injured in the incident.

Dozens of people including several foreign nationals are believed to be held hostage after police exchanged fire with the group of criminals.

Sources said five to six unidentified miscreants entered the Holey Artisan Bakery restaurant where usually foreigners go for eating and opened gunfire around 9:20 p.m.local time.

As a huge number of policemen cordoned off the restaurant, the miscreants opened fire at the law enforcers.

Attackers also hurled bombs at policemen.

It is not immediately known whether the injured people included a foreigner.

"We're trying to end the hostage crisis peacefully," Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) Chief Benzir Ahmed told journalists in his brief comment.

He could not tell immediately how many people are caught up inside the restaurant.

Bangladesh have already called in personnel from all of its special forces to end the crisis.

Sources said gunmen have been asking to release a leader of banned militant outfit JMB who has recently been arrested.

Jama'atul Mujahideen Bangladesh or JMB, campaigning for establishment of Islamic rule in Bangladesh, carried out a series of bombings in 63 out of the country's 64 districts, including capital Dhaka on August 17, 2005, leaving two people dead and 150 others injured.

Hundreds of JMB leaders and activists were rounded up while six top leaders of the group, including Shaikh Abdur Rahman, were hanged in 2007.

According to the sources, the gunmen are also demanding safe exit for them.


Security forces free new areas from IS militants in Iraq

BAGHDAD, June 30 (Xinhua) -- Iraqi security forces on Thursday freed several areas and villages from the Islamic State (IS) militants in central and northern Iraq, security sources said.

In the western province of Anbar, the security forces and allied paramilitary Hashd Shaabi units recaptured the areas of al-Hessi and Albu Eifan in southwest of the city of Fallujah, some 50 km west of the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, after clashes with the IS militants, leaving at least 17 militants killed and destroying three of their vehicles, a provincial security source told Xinhua on condition of anonymity. Full story

Lebanese army says foils two planned IS attacks

BEIRUT, Jun 30 (Xinhua) -- The Lebanese army said Thursday that it had foiled two planned attacks by the Islamic State (IS) aiming at a tourist facility and a densely populated area in Lebanon.

"The army managed to thwart a highly dangerous scheme planned by the IS," the Guidance Directorate, the army's intelligence department, said in a statement. Full story

Hundreds of IS militants killed in airstrikes near Fallujah

BAGHDAD, June 30 (Xinhua) -- Hundreds of Islamic State (IS) militants were killed in a series of airstrikes targeting their convoys early Wednesday when they fled Iraq's Fallujah, a provincial security source said on Thursday.

Dozens of IS vehicles were hit in airstrikes by the U.S.-led coalition and the Iraqi air force south of Fallujah, 50 km west of the Iraqi capital of Baghdad. Full story

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