DPRK top leader guides ballistic rocket test-firing
Source: Xinhua   2016-07-20 06:19:28

PYONGYANG, July 20 (Xinhua) -- Top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) Kim Jong Un has guided a test firing of a ballistic rocket of the Hwasong artillery units of the strategic force of the military, the official news agency KCNA reported Wednesday.

The test-firing was conducted under simulated conditions of launching preemptive strikes at the ports and airfields in South Korea where the U.S. nuclear hardware is to be mobilized, the KCNA said.

The test also "examined the operational features of the detonating devices of nuclear warheads mounted on the ballistic rockets at the designated altitude over the target area," it added.

Kim was satisfied with the test result and instructed to ensure the speed and security of the operation of nuclear attack system and develop diversified ballistic rockets.

The date and place of the test-firing was not given by the state media.

Editor: yan
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DPRK top leader guides ballistic rocket test-firing

Source: Xinhua 2016-07-20 06:19:28
[Editor: huaxia]

PYONGYANG, July 20 (Xinhua) -- Top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) Kim Jong Un has guided a test firing of a ballistic rocket of the Hwasong artillery units of the strategic force of the military, the official news agency KCNA reported Wednesday.

The test-firing was conducted under simulated conditions of launching preemptive strikes at the ports and airfields in South Korea where the U.S. nuclear hardware is to be mobilized, the KCNA said.

The test also "examined the operational features of the detonating devices of nuclear warheads mounted on the ballistic rockets at the designated altitude over the target area," it added.

Kim was satisfied with the test result and instructed to ensure the speed and security of the operation of nuclear attack system and develop diversified ballistic rockets.

The date and place of the test-firing was not given by the state media.

[Editor: huaxia]