
Memorial service held in Dalian for Taiwan bus fire victims

Source: Xinhua 2016-07-29 15:39:15

Family members of victims of a deadly tour-bus accident attend a memorial service in Dalian, northeast China's Liaoning Province, July 29, 2016. A public memorial service was held on Friday in Dalian to mourn 23 victims killed in a fatal tour bus fire in Taiwan. (Xinhua/Ding Hongfa) 

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Memorial service held in Dalian for Taiwan bus fire victims
                 Source: Xinhua | 2016-07-29 15:39:15 | Editor: Tian Shaohui

Family members of victims of a deadly tour-bus accident attend a memorial service in Dalian, northeast China's Liaoning Province, July 29, 2016. A public memorial service was held on Friday in Dalian to mourn 23 victims killed in a fatal tour bus fire in Taiwan. (Xinhua/Ding Hongfa) 

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