India to seal its border, LoC with Pakistan by December 2018
Source: Xinhua   2016-10-07 21:03:55

NEW DELHI, Oct. 7 (Xinhua) -- India said on Friday that it will seal its entire stretch of 3,323-km-long border with Pakistan by December 2018.

"This is time bound, it will be done by December 2018. We are readying an action plan," Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh told the media in the western state of Rajasthan, after reviewing the security in border states with Chief Ministers.

"A border security grid will be in place soon. We are also looking at technological solutions to man the border," he added.

The Home Minister's statements came in the wake of repeated ceasefire violations allegedly by Pakistan and heightened tensions with the neighboring country particularly in the aftermath of the terror attack on an Army base in Indian-controlled Kashmir's Uri sector last month.

Following the terror attack in Uri, which left 19 Indian soldiers dead, the Indian Army had claimed to have carried out surgical strikes across the Line of Control (LoC) in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir to eliminate multiple terror launch pads, a claim denied by Islamabad.

Both India and Pakistan claim Kashmir in full and have fought at least three major wars over the disputed Himalayan region in the past 65 years.

Editor: liuxin
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India to seal its border, LoC with Pakistan by December 2018

Source: Xinhua 2016-10-07 21:03:55
[Editor: huaxia]

NEW DELHI, Oct. 7 (Xinhua) -- India said on Friday that it will seal its entire stretch of 3,323-km-long border with Pakistan by December 2018.

"This is time bound, it will be done by December 2018. We are readying an action plan," Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh told the media in the western state of Rajasthan, after reviewing the security in border states with Chief Ministers.

"A border security grid will be in place soon. We are also looking at technological solutions to man the border," he added.

The Home Minister's statements came in the wake of repeated ceasefire violations allegedly by Pakistan and heightened tensions with the neighboring country particularly in the aftermath of the terror attack on an Army base in Indian-controlled Kashmir's Uri sector last month.

Following the terror attack in Uri, which left 19 Indian soldiers dead, the Indian Army had claimed to have carried out surgical strikes across the Line of Control (LoC) in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir to eliminate multiple terror launch pads, a claim denied by Islamabad.

Both India and Pakistan claim Kashmir in full and have fought at least three major wars over the disputed Himalayan region in the past 65 years.

[Editor: huaxia]