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Obama offers condolences to Thailand on passing of King Bhumibol Adulyadej

Source: Xinhua   2016-10-14 01:03:26

WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Barack Obama on Thursday offered his heartfelt condolences to Thailand on the passing of its King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

Obama called the late King, who passed away on Thursday at the age of 88, a "tireless champion" of his country's development and hailed his "unflagging devotion" to improving the standard of living of the Thai people.

"His Majesty the King was a close friend of the United States and a valued partner of many U.S. Presidents," Obama said in a statement. "I had the honor of calling on His Majesty the King during my visit to Thailand in 2012, and recall his grace and warmth, as well as his deep affection and compassion for the Thai people."

The president added that the late Thai King leaves a legacy of care for the Thai people that will be cherished by future generations.

In a separate statement, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry noted that the late Thai King was the only monarch in history ever born in the United States.

"The Bhumibol Adulyadej Square in the city of Cambridge, in my home state of Massachusetts, marks his birthplace and will remain an enduring memorial to the special bond he created between our peoples," Kerry said. "He will be long remembered and will be deeply missed."

Editor: yan
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Obama offers condolences to Thailand on passing of King Bhumibol Adulyadej

Source: Xinhua 2016-10-14 01:03:26
[Editor: huaxia]

WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Barack Obama on Thursday offered his heartfelt condolences to Thailand on the passing of its King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

Obama called the late King, who passed away on Thursday at the age of 88, a "tireless champion" of his country's development and hailed his "unflagging devotion" to improving the standard of living of the Thai people.

"His Majesty the King was a close friend of the United States and a valued partner of many U.S. Presidents," Obama said in a statement. "I had the honor of calling on His Majesty the King during my visit to Thailand in 2012, and recall his grace and warmth, as well as his deep affection and compassion for the Thai people."

The president added that the late Thai King leaves a legacy of care for the Thai people that will be cherished by future generations.

In a separate statement, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry noted that the late Thai King was the only monarch in history ever born in the United States.

"The Bhumibol Adulyadej Square in the city of Cambridge, in my home state of Massachusetts, marks his birthplace and will remain an enduring memorial to the special bond he created between our peoples," Kerry said. "He will be long remembered and will be deeply missed."

[Editor: huaxia]