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PLO reiterates all settlements built in West Bank illegal

Source: Xinhua   2016-11-17 22:38:27

RAMALLAH, Nov. 17 (Xinhua) -- The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) said Thursday that every stone used to build settlements on the territories of the State of Palestine is void and null, illegal and considered as a war crime.

PLO Secretary General Saeb Erekat told the Palestinian official radio station (Voice of Palestine) that each colonial settlement activity in the West Bank and Jerusalem is deplored.

The remarks came after the Israeli Knesset decision to legalize settlement outposts in the West Bank after it passed by first reading Wednesday,

Erekat said that the Israeli government continues it's systematic policies aimed at dictations, settlement construction and imposing new realities on the ground to destroy the two-state solution.

The senior PLO official said that Israeli settlement activity in the West Bank has not stopped for one day, highlight that there are 600,000 illegal settlers representing 600,000 war crimes in the Palestinian territories.

He stressed the necessity of immediately presenting the draft resolution on Israeli settlements and the settlers war crimes to the UN Security Council and the importance of providing international protection for the Palestinian people under international resolutions.

According to the Israeli public radio, the Knesset passed by first reading Wednesday the draft law on organizing the legal situation of some settlement towns in the West Bank settlements.

Knesset speaker Yuli Edelstein reportedly said that the draft bill will be turned to a Knesset committee to prepare it for the next legislation phase.

The radio station said that the draft law was welcomed by the government coalition parties, particularly the Jewish Home, despite strong criticism by opposition, which considered it to be harmful to the judiciary and democratic values.

Editor: Mu Xuequan
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PLO reiterates all settlements built in West Bank illegal

Source: Xinhua 2016-11-17 22:38:27
[Editor: huaxia]

RAMALLAH, Nov. 17 (Xinhua) -- The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) said Thursday that every stone used to build settlements on the territories of the State of Palestine is void and null, illegal and considered as a war crime.

PLO Secretary General Saeb Erekat told the Palestinian official radio station (Voice of Palestine) that each colonial settlement activity in the West Bank and Jerusalem is deplored.

The remarks came after the Israeli Knesset decision to legalize settlement outposts in the West Bank after it passed by first reading Wednesday,

Erekat said that the Israeli government continues it's systematic policies aimed at dictations, settlement construction and imposing new realities on the ground to destroy the two-state solution.

The senior PLO official said that Israeli settlement activity in the West Bank has not stopped for one day, highlight that there are 600,000 illegal settlers representing 600,000 war crimes in the Palestinian territories.

He stressed the necessity of immediately presenting the draft resolution on Israeli settlements and the settlers war crimes to the UN Security Council and the importance of providing international protection for the Palestinian people under international resolutions.

According to the Israeli public radio, the Knesset passed by first reading Wednesday the draft law on organizing the legal situation of some settlement towns in the West Bank settlements.

Knesset speaker Yuli Edelstein reportedly said that the draft bill will be turned to a Knesset committee to prepare it for the next legislation phase.

The radio station said that the draft law was welcomed by the government coalition parties, particularly the Jewish Home, despite strong criticism by opposition, which considered it to be harmful to the judiciary and democratic values.

[Editor: huaxia]