Total 16 mln Germans with monthly income 30 pct under poverty threshold last year:report

Source: Xinhua   2016-12-07 05:36:02

BERLIN, Dec.6 (Xinhua) -- 16 million German lived last year with average monthly income of 719 euros(772 U.S.dollars), 30 percent below the country's official poverty threshold, local media reported Tuesday.

German newspaper "Saarbruecker Zeitung" reported quoting data from Eurostat, statistical office of the EU.

The 16 million take up about 20 percent of German population, who are unable to pay heating fees or phone bills regularly.

The poverty threshold in Germany in 2015 was monthly 1,033 euros per head. People with less than 60 percent of the average income are considered vulnerable to poverty, according to the EU's definition. (1 euro = 1.07 U.S. dollars)

Editor: yan
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Total 16 mln Germans with monthly income 30 pct under poverty threshold last year:report

Source: Xinhua 2016-12-07 05:36:02

BERLIN, Dec.6 (Xinhua) -- 16 million German lived last year with average monthly income of 719 euros(772 U.S.dollars), 30 percent below the country's official poverty threshold, local media reported Tuesday.

German newspaper "Saarbruecker Zeitung" reported quoting data from Eurostat, statistical office of the EU.

The 16 million take up about 20 percent of German population, who are unable to pay heating fees or phone bills regularly.

The poverty threshold in Germany in 2015 was monthly 1,033 euros per head. People with less than 60 percent of the average income are considered vulnerable to poverty, according to the EU's definition. (1 euro = 1.07 U.S. dollars)

[Editor: huaxia]