Outgoing UN chief Ban Ki-moon meets Austrian president-elect

Source: Xinhua   2016-12-08 04:42:34

VIENNA, Dec. 7 (Xinhua) -- Outgoing United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon met with Austrian president-elect Alexander Van der Bellen here on Wednesday, during his last official visit to the Austrian capital.

Ban said he was glad he could meet the new Austrian head of state so soon after an election. He referred to Austria as his "second home" and himself as a "true Viennese."

Van der Bellen said meeting the UN leader was both a joy and an honor, and wished him "all the best."

Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sebastian Kurz, who hosted the meeting and lunch between the two, thanked Ban for his cooperation.

Ban later met with Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern and former president Heinz Fischer, as well as former chancellor Werner Faymann.

He is to remain in the Austrian capital until Friday as part of his last foreign trip in his current role, where he will do farewell rounds to UN organizations based here. His term as secretary-general officially ends on Dec. 31.

Editor: yan
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Outgoing UN chief Ban Ki-moon meets Austrian president-elect

Source: Xinhua 2016-12-08 04:42:34

VIENNA, Dec. 7 (Xinhua) -- Outgoing United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon met with Austrian president-elect Alexander Van der Bellen here on Wednesday, during his last official visit to the Austrian capital.

Ban said he was glad he could meet the new Austrian head of state so soon after an election. He referred to Austria as his "second home" and himself as a "true Viennese."

Van der Bellen said meeting the UN leader was both a joy and an honor, and wished him "all the best."

Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sebastian Kurz, who hosted the meeting and lunch between the two, thanked Ban for his cooperation.

Ban later met with Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern and former president Heinz Fischer, as well as former chancellor Werner Faymann.

He is to remain in the Austrian capital until Friday as part of his last foreign trip in his current role, where he will do farewell rounds to UN organizations based here. His term as secretary-general officially ends on Dec. 31.

[Editor: huaxia]