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One third female refugees in Norway can support themsevles
                 Source: Xinhua | 2016-12-15 01:39:29 | Editor: huaxia

OSLO, Dec. 14 (Xinhua) -- Only one third female refugees who came to Norway in 2000 have enough money to support themselves after staying eight years in the country, and the proportion started to decline after 2008, online newspaper Nettavisen reported on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, six out of 10 male refugees could support themselves after spending eight years in Norway, while the proportion started to decline after 2008, according to the figures released by Statistics Norway, the country's statistics bureau, on Wednesday.

"What is common to all the monitored groups is that the number of self-supporting immigrants increases significantly over time in the first years they live in Norway. Then it seems that self-sufficiency proportion reaches a peak after around eight years for several groups. This applies particularly to female refugees," Statistics Norway said in its report.

Statistics Norway has studied immigrants aged 23 to 45 years upon their arrival in Norway in 2000. The level of their income has been monitored until 2014. The survey include around 5,200 immigrants. Around four fifth of them were in Norway not for family reunification, and about two thirds of them are men.

Income to be regarded as self-sufficient in Norway grew from 151,000 kroner (17,846.50 U.S. dollars) annually in 2001 to just under 235,000 kroner in 2014. Enditem

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One third female refugees in Norway can support themsevles

Source: Xinhua 2016-12-15 01:39:29

OSLO, Dec. 14 (Xinhua) -- Only one third female refugees who came to Norway in 2000 have enough money to support themselves after staying eight years in the country, and the proportion started to decline after 2008, online newspaper Nettavisen reported on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, six out of 10 male refugees could support themselves after spending eight years in Norway, while the proportion started to decline after 2008, according to the figures released by Statistics Norway, the country's statistics bureau, on Wednesday.

"What is common to all the monitored groups is that the number of self-supporting immigrants increases significantly over time in the first years they live in Norway. Then it seems that self-sufficiency proportion reaches a peak after around eight years for several groups. This applies particularly to female refugees," Statistics Norway said in its report.

Statistics Norway has studied immigrants aged 23 to 45 years upon their arrival in Norway in 2000. The level of their income has been monitored until 2014. The survey include around 5,200 immigrants. Around four fifth of them were in Norway not for family reunification, and about two thirds of them are men.

Income to be regarded as self-sufficient in Norway grew from 151,000 kroner (17,846.50 U.S. dollars) annually in 2001 to just under 235,000 kroner in 2014. Enditem

[Editor: huaxia ]