Student suspected of preparing attack arrested in northern France: TV

Source: Xinhua   2017-02-16 05:20:05

PARIS, Feb. 15 (Xinhua) -- An 18-year-old student suspected of preparing a terrorist assault was arrested on Tuesday morning in Wattignies, north France, a regional TV channel reported on Wednesday.

Based on elements found in the suspect's computer, the man planned to attack a metro station or shopping centre in Lille, France 3 Hauts-de-France said.

"He would have been planning attacks without being able to realize them for logistical reasons," a police source was quoted as saying.

Identified as Ismael Z., the man was placed into custody, according to the report.

France has been a target of terrorist cells due to its military operations in Iraq, Syria and the Sahel region.

The country has declared a state of emergency after a group of terrorists killed 130 people in a series of explosions and shootings on Nov. 13, 2015.

Last year, tightened security rules helped police foil 17 terrorist attacks, Interior Ministry figures showed.

Editor: yan
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Student suspected of preparing attack arrested in northern France: TV

Source: Xinhua 2017-02-16 05:20:05

PARIS, Feb. 15 (Xinhua) -- An 18-year-old student suspected of preparing a terrorist assault was arrested on Tuesday morning in Wattignies, north France, a regional TV channel reported on Wednesday.

Based on elements found in the suspect's computer, the man planned to attack a metro station or shopping centre in Lille, France 3 Hauts-de-France said.

"He would have been planning attacks without being able to realize them for logistical reasons," a police source was quoted as saying.

Identified as Ismael Z., the man was placed into custody, according to the report.

France has been a target of terrorist cells due to its military operations in Iraq, Syria and the Sahel region.

The country has declared a state of emergency after a group of terrorists killed 130 people in a series of explosions and shootings on Nov. 13, 2015.

Last year, tightened security rules helped police foil 17 terrorist attacks, Interior Ministry figures showed.

[Editor: huaxia]