Albanian police seize over one ton of narcotics

Source: Xinhua   2017-02-17 06:30:44

TIRANA, Feb. 16 (Xinhua) -- Around 1.2 tons of cannabis sativa were seized during an anti-drugs operation in the southern city of Vlora, Albanian state police announced on Thursday.

Police confirmed that one person was arrested, and further investigation into other possible involved persons will be carried.

The seized narcotics was hidden in underground tunnels of a house in the village of Peshkepi in Vlora, which built particularly for this purpose, police said in a press release.

Wrapped in plastic packages, the drugs were prepared for smuggling to Italy, according to the police.

Police also seized materials for drug smuggling, including two vehicles and bullets along with the drugs.

According to Albania's state police, they destroyed about 2.5 million marijuana plants only last year, noting the anti-narcotics operations will continue.

Editor: yan
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Albanian police seize over one ton of narcotics

Source: Xinhua 2017-02-17 06:30:44

TIRANA, Feb. 16 (Xinhua) -- Around 1.2 tons of cannabis sativa were seized during an anti-drugs operation in the southern city of Vlora, Albanian state police announced on Thursday.

Police confirmed that one person was arrested, and further investigation into other possible involved persons will be carried.

The seized narcotics was hidden in underground tunnels of a house in the village of Peshkepi in Vlora, which built particularly for this purpose, police said in a press release.

Wrapped in plastic packages, the drugs were prepared for smuggling to Italy, according to the police.

Police also seized materials for drug smuggling, including two vehicles and bullets along with the drugs.

According to Albania's state police, they destroyed about 2.5 million marijuana plants only last year, noting the anti-narcotics operations will continue.

[Editor: huaxia]