
Ecuadorians go to polls to elect new president

Source: Xinhua 2017-02-20 05:58:06

Presidential candidate of the ruling progressive PAIS Alliance party Lenin Moreno waves to people after casting his vote at an electoral center in Quito, Ecuador, on Feb. 19, 2017. Ecuadorians went to the polls on Sunday to elect a successor to popular President Rafael Correa, who has been in power for 10 years. (Xinhua/Santiago Armas)

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Ecuadorians go to polls to elect new president
                 Source: Xinhua | 2017-02-20 05:58:06 | Editor: huaxia

Presidential candidate of the ruling progressive PAIS Alliance party Lenin Moreno waves to people after casting his vote at an electoral center in Quito, Ecuador, on Feb. 19, 2017. Ecuadorians went to the polls on Sunday to elect a successor to popular President Rafael Correa, who has been in power for 10 years. (Xinhua/Santiago Armas)

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