Wilders protests against Turkish campaign in the Netherlands

Source: Xinhua   2017-03-08 21:18:39

THE HAGUE, March 8 (Xinhua) -- The Dutch right populist politician Geert Wilders protested on Wednesday in The Hague against plans by the Turkish government to campaign in the Netherlands for a "yes" vote in the constitutional referendum of April 16 in Turkey.

In front of the Turkish embassy the Anti-Islam Party for Freedom (PVV) leader held a banner with words reading "Stay away! This is our country."

Wilders also demands a temporary travel ban on members of the Turkish government.

The protest announced by Wilders two days ago attracted about 20 PVV supporters.

PVV leader Wilders thinks that Rutte is not doing enough to stop the Turkish government. "I think it is much too weak," he told national broadcaster NOS.

Turkish voters will go to polls on April 16 for a constitutional referendum on the powers of the president, a move that would turn the country from parliamentary to presidential system.

The Turkish government wants to urge Dutch citizens with the Turkish nationality to vote for a stronger position for Erdogan. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu therefore planned to campaign in Rotterdam on March 11.

The Dutch government had, through Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Deputy Prime Minister Lodewijk Asscher, already objected the campaign by Turkish ministers in the Netherlands, and had informed their Turkish counterparts about their opinion.

Rotterdam mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb also opposed the Turkish plans.

The Dutch government is still investigating whether it is legally possible to prevent the Turkish campaign.

The Dutch move came after two German cities cancelled similar scheduled events with Turkish officials.

Turkey called the moves "undemocratic" and accused European countries of permitting the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) rally, while blocking Turkish government's valid campaigning activities.

Editor: xuxin
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Wilders protests against Turkish campaign in the Netherlands

Source: Xinhua 2017-03-08 21:18:39

THE HAGUE, March 8 (Xinhua) -- The Dutch right populist politician Geert Wilders protested on Wednesday in The Hague against plans by the Turkish government to campaign in the Netherlands for a "yes" vote in the constitutional referendum of April 16 in Turkey.

In front of the Turkish embassy the Anti-Islam Party for Freedom (PVV) leader held a banner with words reading "Stay away! This is our country."

Wilders also demands a temporary travel ban on members of the Turkish government.

The protest announced by Wilders two days ago attracted about 20 PVV supporters.

PVV leader Wilders thinks that Rutte is not doing enough to stop the Turkish government. "I think it is much too weak," he told national broadcaster NOS.

Turkish voters will go to polls on April 16 for a constitutional referendum on the powers of the president, a move that would turn the country from parliamentary to presidential system.

The Turkish government wants to urge Dutch citizens with the Turkish nationality to vote for a stronger position for Erdogan. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu therefore planned to campaign in Rotterdam on March 11.

The Dutch government had, through Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Deputy Prime Minister Lodewijk Asscher, already objected the campaign by Turkish ministers in the Netherlands, and had informed their Turkish counterparts about their opinion.

Rotterdam mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb also opposed the Turkish plans.

The Dutch government is still investigating whether it is legally possible to prevent the Turkish campaign.

The Dutch move came after two German cities cancelled similar scheduled events with Turkish officials.

Turkey called the moves "undemocratic" and accused European countries of permitting the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) rally, while blocking Turkish government's valid campaigning activities.

[Editor: huaxia]