CARACAS, March 27 (Xinhua) -- Venezuela's government on Monday called on the Organization of American States (OAS) to suspend an upcoming session, citing an "interventionist plan" by a minority faction within the group.
Its Foreign Affairs Ministry submitted a statement to the hemispheric bloc, denouncing that a small group of countries, led by the United States, aimed to use the regional platform to undermine Venezuela's independence.
The letter asks "the Chair of the Permanent Council to suspend the session convened for March 28 by a group of countries without having the due consent of the Venezuelan Government, as envisaged in the norms governing this regional organization."
Venezuela "categorically rejects the interventionist plan of a minority faction of countries within the OAS to attack our homeland," the letter adds.
The session on Tuesday is expected to see OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro, who has often accused the South American country of violating democratic principles, propose sanctions or other measures against the government of President Nicolas Maduro.
The Venezuelan News Agency (AVN) published an article on Monday criticizing Almagro for serving as "international spokesman for Venezuela's political opposition," which has been campaigning to cut short Maduro's socialist government.