
Special Zongzi made for animals to mark Duanwu Festival in Yantai Zoo

Source: Xinhua 2016-06-09 19:29:56
[Editor: Hou Qiang]


YANTAI, June 9, 2016 (Xinhua) -- A Siberian tiger stretches to get a Zongzi at the Yantai Zoo in Yantai, east China's Shandong Province, June 9, 2016. Workers and visitors in Yantai Zoo on Thursday made special Zongzi for animals to celebrate the Duanwu Festival, or the Dragon Boat Festival. (Xinhua/Tang Ke)

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[Editor: Hou Qiang]
Special Zongzi made for animals to mark Duanwu Festival in Yantai Zoo
                 Source: Xinhua | 2016-06-09 19:29:56 | Editor: Hou Qiang


YANTAI, June 9, 2016 (Xinhua) -- A Siberian tiger stretches to get a Zongzi at the Yantai Zoo in Yantai, east China's Shandong Province, June 9, 2016. Workers and visitors in Yantai Zoo on Thursday made special Zongzi for animals to celebrate the Duanwu Festival, or the Dragon Boat Festival. (Xinhua/Tang Ke)

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