SINGAPORE, July 18, 2016 (Xinhua) -- Zhao Qizheng, former minister of China's State Council Information Office, speaks at the Think Tank Seminar on South China Sea and Regional Cooperation and Development held in Singapore, July 18, 2016. Organized by the Institute of Chinese Borderland Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the seminar attracted more than 20 experts from academic institutes in China and countries in the region, including Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia and India. (Xinhua/Then Chih Wey)
Seminar on South China Sea, regional cooperation held in Singapore
SINGAPORE, July 18 (Xinhua) -- Zhao Qizheng, former minister of China's State Council Information Office, said here Monday that going back to negotiations is the only way out for the disputes in the South China Sea and that the arbitration unilaterally initiated by the Aquino III administration will not impede the progress of China-ASEAN cooperation.
Zhao made the remarks while delivering a keynote speech at the Think Tank Seminar on South China Sea and Regional Cooperation and Development held in Singapore. Full story