
FARC guerrilla group announces definitive ceasefire

Source: Xinhua 2016-08-31 07:43:28


Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos (L) addresses the opening of the Inclusive Rehabilitation Center for the Public Force members, while the bilateral and definitive ceasefire between the government and the Revolucionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) takes effect, in Bogota, Colombia, on Aug. 29, 2016. FARC guerrilla group announced on Sunday a definitive ceasefire starting at midnight. (Xinhua/Mauricio Alvarado/COLPRENSA)

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FARC guerrilla group announces definitive ceasefire
                 Source: Xinhua | 2016-08-31 07:43:28 | Editor: ying


Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos (L) addresses the opening of the Inclusive Rehabilitation Center for the Public Force members, while the bilateral and definitive ceasefire between the government and the Revolucionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) takes effect, in Bogota, Colombia, on Aug. 29, 2016. FARC guerrilla group announced on Sunday a definitive ceasefire starting at midnight. (Xinhua/Mauricio Alvarado/COLPRENSA)

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