
Clash in E. Afghan province kills 16 including 12 militants

Source: Xinhua 2016-11-19 21:04:08


Afghan policemen search a vehicle during a military operation in Ghazni province, Afghanistan, Nov. 19, 2016. A total of 16 people including 12 militants and four police personnel have been killed as clash erupted in Andar district of the eastern Afghanistan's Ghazni province Friday night, provincial police chief Aminullah Omarkhil said Saturday. (Xinhua/Sayed Mominzadah)

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Clash in E. Afghan province kills 16 including 12 militants
                 Source: Xinhua | 2016-11-19 21:04:08 | Editor: xuxin


Afghan policemen search a vehicle during a military operation in Ghazni province, Afghanistan, Nov. 19, 2016. A total of 16 people including 12 militants and four police personnel have been killed as clash erupted in Andar district of the eastern Afghanistan's Ghazni province Friday night, provincial police chief Aminullah Omarkhil said Saturday. (Xinhua/Sayed Mominzadah)

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