Independent internet news service sold in Finland

Source: Xinhua   2016-08-17 01:06:58

HELSINKI, Aug. 16 (Xinhua) -- Finnish internet news service Uusi Suomi will join the Finnish Alma Media Corporation. The transaction will be completed by early September, Alma announced on Tuesday.

The price of the transaction will not be published.

Alma Media publishes the Tampere-based daily Aamulehti. It also publishes evening paper Iltalehti and business daily Kauppalehti in Helsinki.

Uusi Suomi was the name of a Finnish printed newspaper that closed in 1991. Journalist and investor Niklas Herlin purchased the publication rights and launched the internet news service in 2007.

Herlin is the biggest shareholder of Uusi Suomi, and will also be the second-largest shareholder of Alma Media.

Uusi Suomi is one of the Finland's largest such internet services that are not affiliated with a printed newspaper or an electronic medium. Besides the news service, it runs an open blog site.

Markku Huusko will continue as editor-in-chief.

Editor: yan
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Independent internet news service sold in Finland

Source: Xinhua 2016-08-17 01:06:58

HELSINKI, Aug. 16 (Xinhua) -- Finnish internet news service Uusi Suomi will join the Finnish Alma Media Corporation. The transaction will be completed by early September, Alma announced on Tuesday.

The price of the transaction will not be published.

Alma Media publishes the Tampere-based daily Aamulehti. It also publishes evening paper Iltalehti and business daily Kauppalehti in Helsinki.

Uusi Suomi was the name of a Finnish printed newspaper that closed in 1991. Journalist and investor Niklas Herlin purchased the publication rights and launched the internet news service in 2007.

Herlin is the biggest shareholder of Uusi Suomi, and will also be the second-largest shareholder of Alma Media.

Uusi Suomi is one of the Finland's largest such internet services that are not affiliated with a printed newspaper or an electronic medium. Besides the news service, it runs an open blog site.

Markku Huusko will continue as editor-in-chief.

[Editor: huaxia]