Two thirds of Bulgarians worried about state of environment: survey

Source: Xinhua    2018-03-13 20:19:22

SOFIA, March 13 (Xinhua) -- Two thirds of Bulgarians are worried about the state of the environment where they live, a survey showed here on Tuesday.

According to the nationwide survey conducted by Trend Research Center in the first week of February, 65 percent of those polled said they worried about river pollution, 64 percent about air pollution, 63 percent about drinking water pollution, and 62 percent about soil contamination.

In addition, 66 percent of respondents expressed concerns about the increase of household waste and 54 percent about industrial waste.

Meanwhile, 46 percent of Bulgarians were of the opinion that in recent years there was no change in the environment where they live, 27 percent claimed that the environmental situation worsened, and 14 percent saw improvement.

Asked about their expectations for the next five years, 23 percent of those polled hoped that the state of the environment would improve and 19 percent expected deterioration, while 40 percent believed that the state would be the same as it is at present.

The survey also showed that only 4 percent of Bulgarians have made major changes in their habits to help protect the environment, 45 percent said they had made minor changes, 37 percent did not make any changes, and 14 percent did not know.

Editor: Shi Yinglun
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Two thirds of Bulgarians worried about state of environment: survey

Source: Xinhua 2018-03-13 20:19:22

SOFIA, March 13 (Xinhua) -- Two thirds of Bulgarians are worried about the state of the environment where they live, a survey showed here on Tuesday.

According to the nationwide survey conducted by Trend Research Center in the first week of February, 65 percent of those polled said they worried about river pollution, 64 percent about air pollution, 63 percent about drinking water pollution, and 62 percent about soil contamination.

In addition, 66 percent of respondents expressed concerns about the increase of household waste and 54 percent about industrial waste.

Meanwhile, 46 percent of Bulgarians were of the opinion that in recent years there was no change in the environment where they live, 27 percent claimed that the environmental situation worsened, and 14 percent saw improvement.

Asked about their expectations for the next five years, 23 percent of those polled hoped that the state of the environment would improve and 19 percent expected deterioration, while 40 percent believed that the state would be the same as it is at present.

The survey also showed that only 4 percent of Bulgarians have made major changes in their habits to help protect the environment, 45 percent said they had made minor changes, 37 percent did not make any changes, and 14 percent did not know.

[Editor: huaxia]