Chinese embassy in Bangkok holds event to celebrate 44th anniversary of diplomatic ties

Source: Xinhua| 2019-07-02 18:47:15|Editor: Liangyu
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The Chinese embassy in Bangkok holds an event inside the embassy to celebrate the 44th anniversary of diplomatic ties between China and Thailand, July 1, 2019. The People's Republic of China and Thailand established diplomatic relations on July 1, 1975. (Xinhua/Yang Zhou)

BANGKOK, July 2 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese embassy in Bangkok on Tuesday held an event inside the embassy to celebrate the 44th anniversary of diplomatic ties between China and Thailand.

The People's Republic of China and Thailand established diplomatic relations on July 1, 1975.

Lyu Jian, Chinese Ambassador to Thailand said in his speech that China-Thailand relations have made great progress in the past 44 years, the two peoples have helped each other and cared about each other as the saying "Jeen Thai Phee Nong Gan" (China and Thailand are brothers).

He added that now both countries have entered a new era and face new opportunities.

"We are confident, determined to take the historical chance to further upgrade the cooperation level of both countries in all aspects," Lyu said, adding that both countries could emphasize "software" cooperation, such as the exchange of experience in governance, cooperation on poverty reduction, environmental protection, training and education, ect, with equal efforts to boost "hardware" cooperation on connectivity and industrial capacity.

The Chinese Ambassador said both countries could work together to make Thailand a regional hub in linking up with "Belt and Road" Initiative and cooperation.

Guests from the Thai side, such as Pinij Jarusombat, Thailand's former deputy prime minister, chairman of the Thai-Chinese Cultural and Relationship Council Korn Dabbaransi, among others, also took turns to share their memories of China-Thailand relations.

Pinij said friendship between the two countries has lasted for a long time and he appreciates China's achievements in its development.

Pinij also took the chance to congratulate the 98th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) which falls on the same day.

Korn, on the other hand, shared the story of him as a member of delegation led by then Thai foreign minister Chatichai Choonhavan visiting China and meeting Chinese leaders in 1975.

He also spoke highly of the great changes in Chinese capital Beijing as well as the whole country since his first visit.

Some 150 people from both countries attended the event.