Malaysian capital market eyes stronger cooperation with China

Source: Xinhua| 2019-07-05 22:27:30|Editor: mingmei
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KUALA LUMPUR, July 5 (Xinhua) -- The Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) said Friday that it will facilitate closer collaboration between the Malaysian and Chinese capital markets which will mutually benefit both economies.

The SC said in a statement that the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE), the SC and the Malaysian stock exchange Bursa Malaysia will hold further in-depth discussions to define and sharpen the value proposition of their collaboration, and work towards implementing the initiatives for greater cross-border connectivity, exchange of technical expertise and human capital development.

SC members visited SZSE this week and during the discussions, being briefed on the strong success of the SZSE in financing innovative Chinese companies and small and medium-sized enterprises, including those in the technology and advanced manufacturing sectors, which are closely aligned to Malaysia's economic priorities.

According to the SC, there are already a number of SZSE-listed companies operating in Malaysia under the Belt and Road Initiative, creating natural synergies and opportunities for collaboration between both countries' capital markets.

SC chairman Syed Zaid Albar said in the statement that the SC, along with the Bursa Malaysia, have had numerous engagements with the SZSE in recent months to discuss initiatives for greater cross-border connectivity, exchange of technical expertise and human capital development.

"We look forward to deepening the ties between Malaysia and China through this collaboration," he added.