
Disabled girl receives help of commonweal project in China

Source: Xinhua 2016-07-31 21:20:11

Lu Rui combs her hair at home in Liupanshan Township of Jingyuan County, northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, July 29, 2016. The 17-year-old Lu Rui is a student of Ningxia Yucai Middle School. A traffic accident made her disabled when she was four. In 2014, Lu underwent a surgery successfully for limb reduction defect with the help of a commonweal project launched by China Association of People with Physical Disabled. So far, the commonweal project has helped 200 physical disabled children living in poverty areas of Hubei, Chongqing, Ningxia and Liaoning for free. (Xinhua/Li Ran)

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Disabled girl receives help of commonweal project in China
                 Source: Xinhua | 2016-07-31 21:20:11 | Editor: liuxin

Lu Rui combs her hair at home in Liupanshan Township of Jingyuan County, northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, July 29, 2016. The 17-year-old Lu Rui is a student of Ningxia Yucai Middle School. A traffic accident made her disabled when she was four. In 2014, Lu underwent a surgery successfully for limb reduction defect with the help of a commonweal project launched by China Association of People with Physical Disabled. So far, the commonweal project has helped 200 physical disabled children living in poverty areas of Hubei, Chongqing, Ningxia and Liaoning for free. (Xinhua/Li Ran)

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Disabled girl receives help of commonweal project in China
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