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China launches first mobile telecom satellite

   2016-08-06 20:15:06

China has successfully launched the first satellite for its mobile telecommunications system.

The Tiantong-01 satellite was launched from southwest China's Xichang Satellite Launch Center early Saturday.

It is the first satellite of China's home-made satellite mobile telecom system, and also a key part of the country's space information infrastructure.

The satellite will establish a mobile network with ground facilities to provide services to areas like China, the Middle East and Africa.

The country is also looking to launch more geostationary satellites into the orbit for the system.

(Source: CNTV.cn)

Editor: Lu Hui
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China launches first mobile telecom satellite

2016-08-06 20:15:06
[Editor: Lu Hui]

China has successfully launched the first satellite for its mobile telecommunications system.

The Tiantong-01 satellite was launched from southwest China's Xichang Satellite Launch Center early Saturday.

It is the first satellite of China's home-made satellite mobile telecom system, and also a key part of the country's space information infrastructure.

The satellite will establish a mobile network with ground facilities to provide services to areas like China, the Middle East and Africa.

The country is also looking to launch more geostationary satellites into the orbit for the system.

(Source: CNTV.cn)

[Editor: Lu Hui]