

Eliminating poverty and improving people's livelihood is an important mission of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Following the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, China quickly got rid of backwardness and changed the "poor and blank" condition through self-dependence and arduous struggle. China has been implementing large-scale poverty reduction programs since 1980s. After years of hard work, China has greatly reduced the population of people living in poverty and improved their living standard. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the centeral Committee led by the General Secretary Xi Jinping China has paid great attention to poverty alleviation and attached extra importance to development-oriented poverty reduction. The implementation of well-targeted poverty reduction has achieved remarkable results. Based on China's actual situation and borrowed beneficial experience from other countries, China has developed a path of poverty alleviation with Chinese characteristics in the past 50-plus years. China's poverty alleviation efforts not only wins the heartfelt support of Chinese people, but also makes great contribution to the cause of global poverty reduction.

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  • 1955年,福建省闽侯县下洋乡贫农林赛兰在领取国家银行发给的贫农合作基金贷款。新华社发 叶大开 摄
    Farmer Lin Sailan(third from right)in Xiayang Township, Minhou County, Fujian Province, received bank loans in 1955. (Ye Dakai/released by Xinhua)
  • 1978年12月的一天,在安徽省凤阳县小岗村一间破草屋里,18位农民借助一盏昏暗的煤油灯,在一张契约上按下血红的指印。这张契约上写着:宁愿坐牢杀头,也要分田到户搞包干。从此,小岗村的田地被秘密地分到各户。1997年全村共产粮60万公斤,人均1500公斤,人均年纯收入达到2500元。一纸契约,惊天动地,18个鲜红的手印记录了中国农村“大包干”的历史。新华社记者 于杰 摄
    In a thatched cottage under the dimness of a kerosene light, 18 farmers left their fingerprints on a pact to secretly practice the household contract responsibility system that allows them to manage agricultural production on their own in December 1978. They risked jail or even their life as the practice was not allowed at that time. Farmland was then allocated to each household. The village produced 600 tons of grain in 1997, and the annual income per capita reached 2,500 yuan. The pact with 18 fingerprints recorded the history of China’s rural reform. (Xinhua/Yu Jie)
  • 江苏省扬州市所辖的9个县,出现了一批从事外贸商品生产的乡镇企业。新华社记者 高峰 摄
    Factories producing export commodities in 9 counties of Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province.(Xinhua/Gao Feng)
  • 湖北省通山县大力发展葡萄产业。(国务院扶贫开发领导小组办公室供图)
    Grape harvest in Tongshan County, Hubei Province. (Provided by LGOP)
  • 中国扶贫基金会在西藏自治区日喀则地区南木林县小学发放“爱心包裹”。(国务院扶贫开发领导小组办公室供图)
    China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation hands out “care packages” to children in a primary school in Namling County, Shigatse Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region.(Provided by LGOP)
  • 甘肃省合水县成立村级养殖专业合作社。(国务院扶贫开发领导小组办公室供图)
    A professional cooperative on animal husbandry in Heshui County, Gansu Province. (Provided by LGOP)
  • 2014年8月16日,在西藏工布江达县金达镇新生村,藏族妇女围坐在自家新居前喝酥油茶。新华社记者 潘旭 摄
    Tibetan women gathered for a butter tea break in front of their new houses in Xinsheng Village on Aug. 16, 2014. (Xinhua/Pan Xu)
  • 2012年12月3日,云南边疆民族学生收到欧洲国家驻华使节的“礼物”。当日,来自卢森堡、比利时、丹麦、法国、罗马尼亚、瑞士、德国的驻华使节来到云南省麻栗坡县考察中国扶贫。新华社记者 陈海宁 摄
    Ethnic minority students in Malipo County of Yunnan Province received gifts from ambassadors to China from European countries including Luxembourg, Belgium, Denmark, France, Romania, Switzerland and Germany who came to investigate China’s poverty reduction on December 3, 2012. (Xinhua/Chen Haining)

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