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戴安娜头发被亚马逊售卖 粉丝不满

2015年10月14日 09:56:45 来源: 中国日报网

    The framed hair is currently on sale for $1,200 on the online retail site. 装入相框的头发目前以1200美元的价格在这家线上零售网站出售。

    Although it's 18 years since Diana died in a car accident in Paris in August 1997, such is her enduring popularity that there's still a lively trade in souvenirs and memorabilia relating to her. 尽管距戴安娜1997年8月在巴黎因车祸过世已过了18年,但她的人气持久不衰,与她相关纪念品的交易现在仍然十分红火。

    However, a lock of hair is a step too far according to the British Monarchist Society, who have criticised the seller for putting royal hair in the marketplace. 然而,英国君主主义者协会(British Monarchist Society)表示,把一绺头发拿来卖还是太过分了,该协会批评该卖家使皇室成员的头发流入市场出售。

    A spokesman for the society told the Daily Star: 'The sale of modern royal hair makes us feel uneasy and we are sure Princes William and Harry would be disturbed by the auction too: it is, essentially, a body part.' 该协会一位发言人对《每日之星》(Daily Star)说:“售卖当代皇室成员的头发令我们感到很不舒服。我们确定,威廉王子和哈里王子(Princes William and Harry)也会因此感到困扰:毕竟头发实际上是身体的一部分。”

    They also added that they weren't surprised to see 'a lot such as this up for sale.' 他们补充道,他们对看到‘很多这样的商品出售’并不会感到惊讶。

    The framed photograph also appeared on ebay, although it has since expired and has yet to be relisted. It carried a price tag of $349.99. 这一有框照片也在易趣(ebay)网上出现过,尽管现已失效尚未重新上架。它的定价为349.99美元。

    The seller is thought to be a Mr G Vernon, who is advertising his product via Mr Hamilton, an art dealer who lives in Minneapolis, and on Amazon with Ed Bedrick Autographs, a long-standing autographs business. 这个卖家据信可能是位名叫G•弗农先生(Mr G Vernon)的人,他通过住在明尼阿波利斯(Minneapolis)的艺术品商人汉密尔顿先生(Mr Hamilton)推销他的商品;在亚马逊上又与历史悠久的名家真迹企业Ed Bedrick Autographs合作。

    The listing on Amazon describes the lock of hair as '100 per cent authentic' and bills the sale as 'an extraordinary opportunity to purchase a piece of Authentic Princess Diana memorabilia.' 亚马逊上的商品描述称这绺头发“百分百真实”,并称这笔交易为“一个购买真正的戴安娜公主纪念品的绝好机会”。

    Although there's no indication of when the hair was taken from the princess, it doesn't seem to be a substantial cut of hair, with just a few strands seemingly placed 'over a scan of the original lock'. 尽管并未说明这绺头发是什么时候从王妃头上取下的,但看起来并非一大把头发,貌似只有几根头发放在真发的扫描图之上。

  The authentication document stretches to ten pages, although it's unclear what it contains. The Amazon agent for it is resolute, however, that it's genuine. In replying to a question about authenticity, Ed Bedrick Autographs said: 'This is an AUTHENTIC lock of Princess Diana's hair NOT synthetic. It comes with all documentation and authenticity for the piece.' 鉴定文件长达十页,尽管我们不知道其中的具体内容。然而,亚马逊负责该商品的代理人坚称,头发是真的。在回应对真实性的疑问时,Ed Bedrick Autographs称:“这是真实的戴安娜王妃头发,不是合成的。这绺头发附带有各种材料和真实性证明。”

  The item has been on sale on Amazon since August, with apparently no serious bidders so far. 这绺头发从8月开始在亚马逊上出售,但到目前还没有真正想购买的买家。









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