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2016年09月15日 15:24:50 来源: 中国日报网


“健康门”又出阴谋论? 希拉里被疑用替身

  Conspiracy theorists have claimed Hillary Clinton used a body double after she suffered a dizzy spell at the 9/11 memorial on Sunday.


  Social media users have begun sharing photo comparisons of the Democratic candidate to point out supposed 'physical differences' in the Clinton that was seen emerging from her daughter Chelsea Clinton's house after the medical episode.


  Video of Clinton collapsing as she climbed into a van after visiting the National September 11 Memorial &Museum in New York City sparked health concerns.

  希拉里拜访纽约市9 11国家纪念博物馆后身体大感不适,跌跌撞撞上车离开。相关视频引发了对其健康状况的关注。

  The 68-year-old, who later announced she is suffering from pneumonia, insisted she did not faint but simply felt dizzy and stumbled.


  She said after sitting in the air conditioning and drinking a glass of water she 'immediately' began feeling better and felt well enough to take a detour to visit her daughter Chelsea and her grandchildren.


  However, critics say the woman who emerged from Chelsea’s apartment was a lookalike and not the real deal.


  ‘Hillary's INDEX finger is longer than her RING finger. This ISNT Hillary [sic],’ a Twitter user called Always Trump wrote.

  推特用户Always Trump写道:“希拉里的食指比无名指要长。这个不是希拉里。”

“健康门”又出阴谋论? 希拉里被疑用替身

  One woman said: ‘Body double before &after #ClintonCollapse? Just a theory, but nose looks very different.’


“健康门”又出阴谋论? 希拉里被疑用替身

  Conspiracy theorists have claimed Clinton's nose normally points upwards (right) but was pointing down on Sunday (left)

  Others analysed Clinton’s ears and claimed the woman who emerged from Chelsea's apartment had chunkier lobes.


“健康门”又出阴谋论? 希拉里被疑用替身

  Some compared pictures of the presidential hopeful that appear to show she had lost weight compared to earlier in the campaign. It is likely that someone suffering from pneumonia would appear frailer than usual.


“健康门”又出阴谋论? 希拉里被疑用替身

  Twitter user Robertbirsinger questioned why Clinton would hug a child in the street when she’s got such an illness and others claimed it was suspicious that she wasn’t surrounded by security when she emerged from Chelsea’s apartment.


“健康门”又出阴谋论? 希拉里被疑用替身

“健康门”又出阴谋论? 希拉里被疑用替身

  The hashtag #isHillaryalive also began circulating after the comparison photos emerged.


  Clinton's campaign has desperately attempted to stem any concerns around her health.


  Bill Clinton announced he was taking over for his wife at several upcoming events as she recovers, and will now headline the Hillary Victory Fund events in California on Tuesday. He will also campaign in Nevada on Hillary's behalf on Wednesday.

  前总统比尔 克林顿宣布他将在妻子恢复期间,接替其出席接下来的数场活动。周二,他将前往加州参与希拉里竞选基金的募资宣传活动,也会代表希拉里参加周三内华达州的竞选活动。

  He told CBS News' Charlie Rose on Monday that his wife had suffered the same symptoms in the past when she's become exhausted.

  周一,他向哥伦比亚广播公司新闻节目的查理 罗斯表示,希拉里过去精疲力竭时也有过和此次相同的症状。

  Asked if it's possible Clinton will be away for weeks from the campaign trail, the former President said: 'No, not a shot.'





[责任编辑: 余申芳 ]