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2017年01月12日 10:15:48 来源: 中国日报网

  11. Annabelle 2



  Aug. 11


  Miranda Otto is featured in the New Line sequel to the doll-centric 2014 hit. David Sandberg directs the spinoff of the Conjuringfranchise, which follows a dollmaker and his wife who, 20 years after the tragic death of their little girl, welcome a nun and several orphans into their home, only to see them targeted by the possessed titular creation.

  《安娜贝尔2》是2014年大热的玩偶恐怖片《安娜贝尔》的最新续集。这部新线公司出品的《招魂》系列电影由大卫 桑德伯格执导,米兰达 奥图担任主演。一名玩具工匠和妻子在他们的小女儿不幸去世20年后邀请一位修女和几个孤儿来到家中,结果修女和孤儿成了被鬼怪附体的玩偶的目标。

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