伦敦一双层大巴撞进路边商店 六人受伤(组图)

2017年08月11日 07:08:02 | 来源: 新华网

当地时间2017年8月10日,英国伦敦,交通高峰时刻,伦敦西南部一辆双层公共汽车撞入路边一商店,造成6人受伤。两名妇女被困在大巴的上层车厢,消防队员正在用专业工具对这两名妇女进行救助,警察和急救车也已赶赴现场。据警方介绍,发生事故的是77路公交大巴,目前伤员没有生命危险。发生事故的路段需要暂时封路,以便警方调查并确认现场情况。***_***A bus has ploughed into a building on a busy south London high street leaving two passengers trapped and six people injured. Dramatic images showed the double decker wedged into the side of a kitchen design centre on Lavender Hill, Wandsworth, on Thursday morning. Police said six people, including the bus driver, had been injured in the smash and were being treated by paramedics from London Ambulance Service. The driver was taken to a south London hospital while five passengers were treated at the scene. Fire crews battled to free two female passengers who were trapped on the top deck of the bus.  © Alex Lentati / Evening Standard / eyevine  Contact eyevine for more information about using this image: T: +44 (0) 20 8709 8709 E: info@eyevine.com http://www.eyevine.com


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