飓风“哈维”致美国31死 3万人无家可归(组图)

2017年09月01日 10:30:49 | 来源: 新华网

当地时间2017年8月31日,美国德克萨斯州,飓风“哈维”的影响仍在持续。德州州长阿伯特称,“哈维”带来的灾难远远强于2005年的“卡特里娜”和2012年的“桑迪”,预计超过4.8万座房屋受到“哈维”的影响而损毁,现在估计至少有31人死亡、超过3万人无家可归。***_***A woman coddles a child in the cabin of an HH-60 Pave Hawk helicopter, operated by Airmen of the 106th Rescue Wing assigned to the New York Air National Guard, over Beaumont, Texas, August 30, 2017. The members of the 106th pulled the family up from flood waters in front of their home and dropped them off safely at an evacuee collection point. Daniel H. Farrell/U.S. Air National Guard/UPI Photo via Newscom


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