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2017年10月16日 10:54:08 来源: 中国日报网

  MYTH: Sugar is as addictive as hard drugs


  FACT: There is no conclusive evidence that sugar is addictive.


  "There's no evidence that sugar can act as a gateway drug," Dr. Haythe said. "You can't get high from sugar, and there's no conclusive evidence that sugar is addictive."


  MYTH: Eating too much sugar causes diabetes


  FACT: Both types of diabetes are caused by a mix of genetics and environmental factors, but a sugary diet cannot directly cause it (alone).


  "Eating sugar does not cause diabetes; it’s a complicated problem involving your pancreas and metabolism," Dr. Haythe said. "When you have diabetes, you don't produce enough insulin. Insulin helps the glucose get absorbed into your bloodstream and liver as usable energy."


  You are more likely to develop diabetes if you are overweight or obese, because extra fat can lead to insulin resistance, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Kidney Diseases. This makes a diet heavy in sugar an indirect, rather than a direct cause of type 2 diabetes.


  MYTH: Artificial sweeteners are better for you than sugar


  FACT: Some artificial sweeteners can be just as harmful to your body as sugar.


  Although artificial sweeteners like Stevia, Truvia, and aspartame (as found in diet sodas) have fewer calories than their sugary counterparts, research shows that participants who drink diet soda are twice as likely to be obese than those who do not.


  A study published in the National Library of Medicine found that saccharine — an artificial sweetener — is more addictive than cocaine. Another study published by the American Diabetes Association found that diet soda drinkers were 67 percent more likely to develop diabetes than non-diet soda drinkers.


  MYTH: Sugar causes cavities


  FACT: Cavities are actually caused by acidic foods and drinks that wear away the enamel on your teeth.


  "Sugar isn’t the cause of tooth decay; acid is," Dr. Mark Burhenne, of the online "Ask a Dentist" community, said. "The most cavity-causing food is crackers and breads, not candy. When you eat something with sugar, bacteria that naturally reside in your mouth consume this sugar as well. Bacteria’s waste product is acid, so after they have a meal, they excrete acid....Acid decalcifies or demineralizes tooth enamel by taking away its structure, creating decay."

  “问牙医”网络社区的马克 布尔亨内医生说:“导致蛀牙的不是糖,而是酸。最容易导致蛀牙的食物是饼干和面包,不是糖。当你吃含糖食物时,口腔内的天然细菌也在‘吃糖’。细菌排出的废物是酸,所以在吃完饭后,细菌都会产生酸……这些酸性物质会腐蚀牙齿的外结构,从而使牙釉质脱落,导致蛀牙。”

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