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5 IS militants killed in shelling in northern Syria

Source: Xinhua   2016-06-14 18:09:15

ANKARA, June 14 (Xinhua) -- Five Islamic State (IS) militants were killed on Monday in shelling in northern Syria by the Turkish army and air operations from the U.S.-led coalition, security sources told Dogan News Agency on Tuesday.

The move came after the Turkish target acquisition systems detected 13 IS targets preparing an attack on Turkey from Syrian side, security sources said.

Initial reports showed that five IS militants were killed, with two armed vehicles, eight buildings, three mortar shells and one defense position belonging to IS destroyed.

Since mid-January, the IS militants have launched attacks against towns and cities in southern Turkey with rocket fire, killing and injuring many civilians.

Meanwhile, seven IS suspects were detained on Tuesday after local police raided an IS cell in Yunus Emre Valley in southeastern Turkish city of Kahraman Maras, Dogan reported.

Editor: chenwen
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5 IS militants killed in shelling in northern Syria

Source: Xinhua 2016-06-14 18:09:15
[Editor: huaxia]

ANKARA, June 14 (Xinhua) -- Five Islamic State (IS) militants were killed on Monday in shelling in northern Syria by the Turkish army and air operations from the U.S.-led coalition, security sources told Dogan News Agency on Tuesday.

The move came after the Turkish target acquisition systems detected 13 IS targets preparing an attack on Turkey from Syrian side, security sources said.

Initial reports showed that five IS militants were killed, with two armed vehicles, eight buildings, three mortar shells and one defense position belonging to IS destroyed.

Since mid-January, the IS militants have launched attacks against towns and cities in southern Turkey with rocket fire, killing and injuring many civilians.

Meanwhile, seven IS suspects were detained on Tuesday after local police raided an IS cell in Yunus Emre Valley in southeastern Turkish city of Kahraman Maras, Dogan reported.

[Editor: huaxia]