
Armed raiders kill British rancher in northern Kenya

Source: Xinhua   2017-03-06 19:56:53            

LAIKIPIA, Kenya, March 6 (Xinhua) -- Armed raiders invading a ranch shot dead a Briton in northern Kenya's Laikipia County on Sunday evening, officials confirmed on Monday.

The father-of-two, Tristan Voorspuy was shot dead after he went to inspect the remains of a friend's home that had been burnt down by raiders on Friday.

Laikipia Ranchers Association chairman Martin Evans said Voorspuy was inspecting the damage caused by the raiders when the attackers opened fire on him.

He said the former British Army officer died on the spot and it took hours for his body to be collected since there were fears the bandits were still lurking in the bushes.

Voorspuy who was raised in Sussex and served for six years in the British Army before turning to tour guiding is a shareholder in Sosian Ranch.

On Saturday, a police helicopter was shot at in the same farm as security officers carried out aerial surveillance where illegal grazers and bandits have continued to wreak havoc.

Initial reports suggested that Inspector General of Police was in the targeted helicopter but he denied the reports saying he had already left the area.

The attacks are allegedly linked to suspected armed Pokot and Samburu herdsmen who have invaded ranches in Laikipia en masse with their cattle.

Laikipia area is increasingly becoming a conflict zone as people and wildlife are killed with impunity, livestock stolen, houses razed and property looted.

Editor: Zhang Dongmiao
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Armed raiders kill British rancher in northern Kenya

Source: Xinhua 2017-03-06 19:56:53

LAIKIPIA, Kenya, March 6 (Xinhua) -- Armed raiders invading a ranch shot dead a Briton in northern Kenya's Laikipia County on Sunday evening, officials confirmed on Monday.

The father-of-two, Tristan Voorspuy was shot dead after he went to inspect the remains of a friend's home that had been burnt down by raiders on Friday.

Laikipia Ranchers Association chairman Martin Evans said Voorspuy was inspecting the damage caused by the raiders when the attackers opened fire on him.

He said the former British Army officer died on the spot and it took hours for his body to be collected since there were fears the bandits were still lurking in the bushes.

Voorspuy who was raised in Sussex and served for six years in the British Army before turning to tour guiding is a shareholder in Sosian Ranch.

On Saturday, a police helicopter was shot at in the same farm as security officers carried out aerial surveillance where illegal grazers and bandits have continued to wreak havoc.

Initial reports suggested that Inspector General of Police was in the targeted helicopter but he denied the reports saying he had already left the area.

The attacks are allegedly linked to suspected armed Pokot and Samburu herdsmen who have invaded ranches in Laikipia en masse with their cattle.

Laikipia area is increasingly becoming a conflict zone as people and wildlife are killed with impunity, livestock stolen, houses razed and property looted.

[Editor: huaxia]