Indian government holds meeting to review worst floods in Kerala

Source: Xinhua| 2018-08-16 19:19:26|Editor: mym
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NEW DELHI, Aug. 16 (Xinhua) -- Indian government officials held an meeting here on Thursday to discuss the current flood situation in the southern state of Kerala.

Presently, as many as 18 teams of the national disaster response force (NDRF), nine columns and eight teams of engineering task force (ETC) of the Indian Army, 22 teams of Indian Coast Guard (ICG), 24 diving teams of Indian Navy along with helicopters, aircrafts, boats, equipment, life buoys, life jackets, etc., have been dispatched by the government to assist the Kerala government in carrying out rescue operations as well as evacuation of stranded people.

Besides, medical assistance is also being provided by the NDRF, Army and Navy in the region.

So far a total of 2,182 persons have been rescued, 968 stranded people evacuated through prompt action of the NDRF, Army and Navy.

According to official sources, the meeting held today ensured a continued and scale up assistance to Kerala in view of the prevailing flood situation.