Cameroon: 2 police officers killed in restive Anglophone region

Source: Xinhua| 2018-09-27 23:39:53|Editor: yan
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YAOUNDE, Sept. 27 (Xinhua) -- Two police officers were killed in the early hours of Thursday in Fako division of Southwest, one of the two anglophone regions of Cameroon ravaged by secessionist violence, local sources told Xinhua.

The two police officers were killed when unidentified gunmen attacked a police station in Limbe, a town in the southwest region, a security source who asked not to be named told Xinhua

"The officers died on the spot and a woman was wounded in the clashes," according to the source.

With presidential election approaching, fighting is intensifying in the minority English-speaking part of Cameroon where armed separatist forces have declared "independence" since last year. They have vowed to stop the election from taking place in the regions.

The clashes have claimed the lives of over 100 soldiers, according to the government. The number of the separatists and civilians killed in the conflict is still unknown although security sources say over 200 separatists have died.