Pakistan urges int'l NGOs, donors to work in prioritized activities for national development

Source: Xinhua| 2019-01-17 08:34:10|Editor: Shi Yinglun
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ISLAMABAD, Jan. 17 (Xinhua) -- The Pakistani government has urged the international non-governmental organizations and donor governments to play their role in the activities vital for the country's national development, a statement said on Wednesday.

According to a statement from the country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Secretary Tehmina Janjua briefed the Islamabad-based foreign envoys on Tuesday over Pakistan's policy on international non-governmental organization (INGO).

During the meeting, the foreign secretary encouraged the INGOs and donor governments to work in the prioritized activities for Pakistan's development, including poverty alleviation, health, vocational education and training, science and technology, environmental protection, disaster management, sports and culture.

The foreign secretary discussed questions and concerns related to the registration and operation of INGOs in Pakistan. She also reaffirmed that Pakistan would pursue a mutually beneficial framework on INGOs, which will have to follow the rule of law, transparency and nationally determined development priorities.

The official further noted that the country's policy framework on INGOs was guided by Pakistan's national context, circumstances, needs and priorities.