British Royal Navy's survey ship visits Ukraine's Black Sea port

Source: Xinhua| 2019-05-06 21:30:56|Editor: xuxin
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KIEV, May 6 (Xinhua) -- The British Royal Navy's multi-role hydrographic survey ship HMS Echo arrived Monday at the southern Ukrainian Black Sea port of Odessa for a four-day visit, the Ukrainian Navy said.

During the visit, which is being carried out within the framework of bilateral cooperation between Ukraine and Britain, the commander of the vessel will hold a meeting with the commander of the Ukrainian Navy, the Ukrainian Navy said on Facebook.

Representatives of the Ukrainian Navy and the HMS Echo crew will also play a football game, it said.

The Ukrainian government-run Ukrinform news agency said that joint exercises of the British and Ukrainian warships are planned as part of the visit.

The HMS Echo, which was put into operation in 2002, is capable of carrying out a wide range of survey work, including supporting submarine and amphibious operations.

In December 2018, the vessel also traveled to Odessa port for a friendly visit.