Zimbabwean labor minister denies social media claims

Source: Xinhua| 2019-07-29 19:53:02|Editor: Shi Yinglun
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HARARE, July 29 (Xinhua) -- Public Service, Labor and Social Welfare Minister Sekai Nzenza on Monday refuted social media claims that she had gone into hiding and that she was being investigated by the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC).

There were social media reports at the weekend claiming that the minister was bribed by arrested tourism minister Prisca Mupfumira to hold on to a forensic audit report of state pension fund, the National Social Security Authority (NSA), which implicates the tourism minister.

Mupfumira is currently in police custody after being arrested by ZACC last Thursday for allegedly abusing 95 million U.S. dollars funds from NSSA.

When asked at a press conference if she had been bribed, Nzenza categorically refuted the claims.

"That did not happen. That is nonsense. I am not dwelling on nonsensical stories. I have a mandate to deliver to the public to ensure that money entrusted to NSSA is managed properly and within best practice. Those are weekend social media stories that people enjoy, share and circulate," said Nzenza.

The minister said she was not holding on to the forensic audit report but was allowing due processes to be completed before she makes the report public.

The report details gross financial irregularities at NSSA, and reportedly implicate a number of senior government and corporate officials.

Mupfumira became the first cabinet minister to be arrested by the recently constituted ZACC.

She appeared at the magistrates courts on Saturday for routine bail hearing but the magistrate ruled that she be detained for 21 days as there were high chances she could try to conceal evidence.

ZACC has vowed to aggressively fight corruption after President Emmerson Mnangagwa's government has declared a zero tolerance to corruption.