Pakistan summons Indian deputy high commissioner over ceasefire violations

Source: Xinhua| 2019-07-29 23:03:22|Editor: yan
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ISLAMABAD, July 29 (Xinhua) -- Pakistan summoned Indian Deputy High Commissioner Gaurav Ahluwalia on Monday to protest against firing along the Line of Control (LoC), the de facto border between both countries in disputed Kashmir region, that left a civilian killed and four others injured, according to the Pakistani Foreign Ministry.

"The Indian forces along the Line of Control and the Working boundary are continuously targeting civilian populated areas with heavy weapons. This unprecedented escalation in ceasefire violations by India is continuing from the year 2017 when the Indian forces committed 1970 ceasefire violations," a statement issued by the foreign office read.

Condemning the incident in the meeting with Ahluwalia, Director-General at the South Asian Desk of the Foreign Ministry Mohammad Faisal, said that deliberate targeting of civilian populated areas is a deplorable act which is also against the human dignity, international human rights and humanitarian laws.

The official also urged India to respect the 2003 ceasefire arrangement, and investigate the incidents of ceasefire violations, besides instructing the Indian forces to respect the ceasefire, in letter and spirit and maintain peace in the disputed territory.

He also urged the Indian side to permit a UN military observer group in the region to play its mandated role as per the UN Security Council resolutions.

It was the second time since last Wednesday that Pakistan has summoned Indian diplomats over the ceasefire violations at the LoC.