Global Fund to grant Tanzania 600 mln USD for fighting malaria, TB and AIDS

Source: Xinhua| 2020-02-01 00:24:07|Editor: yan
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DAR ES SALAAM, Jan. 31 (Xinhua) -- The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund) will grant Tanzania 600 million U.S. dollars in January 2021 for supporting the east African nation in efforts aimed at ending the three epidemics, a government statement said on Friday.

The statement by the Ministry of Finance and Planning issued in the capital Dodoma said Tanzania will spend the grant for three years (2021-2023) fighting HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.

The statement said the release of the 600 million dollars grant was announced by the head of the Global Fund's High Impact Africa II Department, Linden Morrison, during talks with the Minister for Finance and Planning, Philip Mpango.

Morrison said during the past 15 years when the Global Fund worked in partnership with Tanzania, it released a total of 2 billion dollars to Tanzania to fight the three epidemics of AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis.

For his part, Mpango thanked the Global Fund for its support to Tanzania toward the eradication of the three epidemics that were leading in causing deaths in the country.

"Tanzania is thankful for the grant that will enable to improve the health status of its people and enable them to fully participate in national building," said Mpango.