Chinese firm donates 150,000 protective masks to Austria to help fight COVID-19

Source: Xinhua| 2020-03-21 04:30:49|Editor: Mu Xuequan
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VIENNA, March 20 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese technology company on Friday donated 150,000 protective masks and 3,000 protective suits to Austria to help it fight the novel coronavirus.

Representatives of the China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation (CRRC), the world's largest rolling stock manufacturer, handed over these protective supplies to the Workers' Samaritan Association (ASB), an Austrian aid organization primarily active in emergency medical service.

Qiang Chen, managing director of CRRC Austria, said at the handover ceremony, "I am convinced that we can do it together. We are a Chinese company, but we feel at home in Austria."

"The virus knows no borders. It is a common challenge for humanity. China is happy to support Austria hand in hand," said Li Xiaosi, Chinese Ambassador to Austria, at the ceremony.

ASB President Franz Schnabl said this generous donation can help protect people working in the Austrian health system.

"These are the doctors, the paramedics, the nurses and everyone else who is now making sure that the people get well, that they are being examined, that they are being cared for," he emphasised.

The number of confirmed coronavirus infections in Austria has increased to 2,626 as of Friday evening, with six deaths reported, according to a dashboard on the status of the coronavirus released by the Health Ministry.