Mongolia confirms 1 more COVID-19 case

Source: Xinhua| 2020-04-06 13:58:19|Editor: xuxin
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ULAN BATOR, April 6 (Xinhua) -- One more COVID-19 case has been confirmed in Mongolia, raising its total to 15, the country's National Center for Communicable Disease (NCCD) said Monday.

"A Turkish citizen who has been isolated in the NCCD tested positive for COVID-19," Dulmaa Nyamkhuu, head of the NCCD, said at a press conference.

"As of today, a total of 248 people who have arrived from foreign countries have been kept in isolation in the NCCD," Nyamkhuu said.

All the 15 confirmed cases are imported ones and two people have recovered so far, according to the NCCD.