More COVID-19 cases reported in Asia-Pacific as India's total infections cross 2-million mark

Source: Xinhua| 2020-08-07 20:25:42|Editor: huaxia
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HONG KONG, Aug. 7 (Xinhua) -- Asia-Pacific countries reported more confirmed COVID-19 cases on Friday as India became the third country in the world with over 2 million cases.

As many as 62,538 new cases were detected in India in the past 24 hours, bringing the total to 2,027,074. A total of 886 people died since Thursday, taking the death toll to 41,585, showed the ministry's data.

Friday is the eighth consecutive day when over 50,000 new cases were registered in the country. The sudden surge is mainly attributed to the centre government's focus on ramping up the testing of samples.

Bangladesh's total cases rose to 252,502 with 2,851 new cases reported, and deaths from the virus increased to 3,333.

Senior Health Ministry official Nasima Sultana said in a briefing that "2,851 new COVID-19 positive cases and 27 deaths were reported in the last 24 hours across Bangladesh."

The confirmed cases in Indonesia rose by 2,473 within one day to 121,226, with the death toll adding by 72 to 5,593, the health ministry said.

According to the ministry, 1,912 more people were discharged from hospitals, bringing the total number of recovered patients to 77,557.

The Philippine Department of Health (DOH) said on Friday that it will focus on the elimination of cluster infections after the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the country surged to 122,754 with 3,379 new cases.

The DOH said that the number of recoveries further rose to 66,852 after it reported 96 new recoveries.

The death toll also increased to 2,168 after 24 more patients died.

The Tokyo metropolitan government confirmed 462 new daily COVID-19 cases, falling just shy of its record of 472 confirmed cases on Aug. 2, with the capital's cumulative total reaching 15,107, the highest among Japan's 47 prefectures.

Amid concerns over a resurgence of the virus in urban areas in Japan, with Tokyo still the epicenter of the nationwide outbreak, Tokyo Governor Yoriko Koike has urged Tokyo residents to refrain from traveling to other prefectures during the upcoming Bon holidays.

South Korea reported 20 more cases of the COVID-19 as of 0:00 a.m. Friday local time compared to 24 hours ago, raising the total number of infections to 14,519.

Of the new cases, 11 were imported from overseas, lifting the combined figure to 2,531.

One more death was confirmed, leaving the death toll at 303. The total fatality rate stood at 2.09 percent. Enditem