Arsonists raze police station, courts in SE Nigeria

Source: Xinhua| 2021-05-30 09:37:47|Editor: huaxia
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ABUJA, May 30 (Xinhua) -- Arsonists set ablaze a police station and two courts in Nigeria's southeastern state of Imo on Saturday, local police said.

The unknown attackers who were on the rampage in different locations of the Njaba local government area of the state also went ahead to vandalize a community health center, said Bala Elkana, Imo's police spokesman.

Elkana said in a statement that the "hoodlums" in their numbers stormed and damaged a building that was constructed by the community for the police.

They also proceeded to the magistrate's court and high court premises in the town and set the buildings ablaze, he said.

An investigation has been launched into the incident to identify the attackers, he added.

There have been in recent months a series of gunmen attacks on police stations and prisons in the southern part of Nigeria. Enditem