Rwanda, DR Congo presidents meet at border town to strengthen bilateral ties

Source: Xinhua| 2021-06-26 10:35:59|Editor: huaxia
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Rwandan President Paul Kagame (R) and his counterpart from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Felix Tshisekedi walk together in Rubavu town, Rwanda, on June 25, 2021. Paul Kagame and Felix Tshisekedi met at Rwanda's border town Rubavu on Friday to discuss bilateral relations. (Xinhua/Cyril Ndegeya)

KIGALI, June 25 (Xinhua) -- Rwandan President Paul Kagame and his counterpart from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Felix Tshisekedi met at Rwanda's border town Rubavu on Friday to discuss bilateral relations.

Tshisekedi was received by Kagame at La Corniche One-Stop Border Post in Rubavu before the two leaders toured Rubavu to assess the damage caused by the recent earthquakes following the eruption of Mount Nyiragongo volcano in eastern DRC.

Later in the day, the two presidents held a closed door bilateral meeting in Rubavu.

Rwanda and the DRC enjoy warm bilateral relations, and the two presidents wish to strengthen bilateral cooperation, Vincent Biruta, Rwandan minister of foreign affairs, said at public broadcaster Rwanda Television during an evening news program.

The two countries are looking forward to strengthening bilateral ties in trade, investment and people-to-people exchanges, said Biruta.

According to Biruta, Rwanda and the DRC have recently witnessed an increase in cross border trade, which is key to improving social and economic development between the two neighbouring countries.

He said Rwanda and the DRC have maintained close high-level exchanges, which shows the two countries attach great importance to bilateral relations.

On Saturday, Kagame is expected to reciprocate the visit by visiting Goma town in eastern DRC where he is expected to be welcomed by Tshisekedi.

Delegations from both countries are expected to sign a number of bilateral agreements to further strengthen bilateral ties. Enditem

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