Philippines reports 4,002 new COVID-19 cases, face shields to become mandatory in public transport

Source: Xinhua| 2020-08-13 16:33:07|Editor: huaxia
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People are seen wearing face masks in Manila, the Philippines on Aug. 13, 2020. The number of confirmed coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases in the Philippines surged to 147,526 after the Department of Health (DOH) reported 4,002 new daily cases on Thursday. (Xinhua/Rouelle Umali)

MANILA, Aug. 13 (Xinhua) -- The number of confirmed coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases in the Philippines surged to 147,526 after the Department of Health (DOH) reported 4,002 new daily cases on Thursday.

The DOH said that the number of recoveries further rose to 70,387 after 1,403 more patients have survived the disease.

The death toll also increased to 2,426 after 23 more patients have succumbed to the viral disease, the DOH added.

Metro Manila topped the five regions or provinces with the highest number of daily confirmed cases reported on Thursday with 2,445, followed by Laguna province, south of Manila, 319; Cebu province in the central Philippines, 212; Rizal province, east of Manila, 142 and Cavite province, south of Manila, 101.

Carlito Galvez, the chief implementer of the government's strategy to control the spread of COVID-19, said in a virtual media briefing that coronavirus outbreaks are observed in densely populated communities where patients are quarantined at home.

He said infections were also noted in cafeterias catering to factory workers and shuttle buses that ferry the workers. Family gatherings are also a source of coronavirus transmissions in the country, he added.

Galvez said that the transport and labor departments have issued guidelines on the mandatory use of face shields in public transport and work areas starting August 15.

Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello earlier said that wearing of masks and face shields in the workplace "is the new protocol" to prevent transmissions. He warned that workers will not be allowed to enter workplace if they don't follow the protocol.

Health Undersecretary Maria Rosario Vergeire stressed during a local television interview the need to balance the health and economic aspects in dealing with the COVID-19.

"We have to look at the other side of the coin, we have to look at the economic side, and our economic managers are already saying that if we push through and extend quarantine here in Metro Manila or other parts of the country, a lot of the people would suffer from hunger already and other diseases will also be evident so we also have to balance when we try to decide," Vergeire said.

Education Secretary Leonor Briones told the same briefing that 50 percent of public school classrooms in Metro Manila will be used as temporary isolation and quarantine facilities as COVID-19 cases continue to surge in the capital.

Briones said this translates to 17,910 classrooms. The number can go higher if private schools also allow their classrooms to be converted into quarantine facilities, she added.

Classrooms are empty since March due to school closures amid COVID-19.

Presidential spokesperson Harry Roque said the resumption of face-to-face classes is set in January 2021, "if and when a vaccine" or drug is developed.

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