Thailand to have 1.2 million electric vehicles running in streets by 2030

Source: Xinhua| 2020-08-18 22:36:10|Editor: huaxia
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BANGKOK, Aug. 18 (Xinhua) -- Thailand's Ministry of Energy on Tuesday said it has set plans to have up to 1.2 million electric vehicles (EV) running on Thai roads by 2030.

The ministry said it is already laying ground work for infrastructure and battery development to suit EVs soon.

"We have set a goal to have 1.2 million EV cars by 2030, and we are already building facilities such as charging stations, electric system and EV car technology," said Wattanapong Kurovat, chief of the Ministry's Energy Policy and Planning Office.

Wattanapong said other countries already have EVs plying the streets and it is about time Thailand develop its own EV technology.

He said the office was also studying the option of EV users selling extra energy from their batteries to the national power grid, which will help strengthen the country's electricity security.

Wattanapong also said his office is planning to install about 2,000 charging stations 50 kilometers apart nationwide.

He said the government can pilot EVs in public transport, taxis and government cars first.

When demand rises, it will result in automakers, battery manufacturers and makers of EV parts basing themselves in Thailand and ultimately turning it into an EV hub in the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) region. Enditem