Militants offensive on key Afghan district repulsed: police

Source: Xinhua| 2021-06-19 18:12:16|Editor: huaxia
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PUL-E-KHUMRI, Afghanistan, June 19 (Xinhua) -- Taliban militants' offensive to overrun Tala-o-Barfak district in Afghanistan's northern Baghlan province has been foiled and the insurgents have suffered casualties, police said Saturday.

"The Taliban rebels launched multi-pronged attacks on Tala-o-Barfak district today morning but police in sharp reaction retaliated, forcing the rebels to flee after suffering casualties, and leaving four bodies behind and three more injured," provincial police spokesman Jawed Basharat told Xinhua.

One policeman has been killed and two others injured, the official said.

If the Taliban captures Tala-o-Barfak district, the armed group could control the road linking Baghlan's provincial capital Pul-e-Khumri to the central Bamyan province.

Basharat also noted that the security forces would continue to chase the insurgents in the restive district to stabilize security there. Enditem